There is a story about how we all have a bucket that we are trying to fill each day. The only way to fill up our own bucket is to help fill up someone else's bucket by being kind, or doing acts of kindness. Think about this for a minute. When you are sad, and have a pity party, you take away from what is inside your bucket. You can look around for someone who needs a friend and as you reach out to them, you realize your own bucket is getting fuller. There will be times when your own bucket is filling up due to others reaching out to you. It is an amazing cycle. Be happy for others. Look for the good in everyone, and be a bucket filler!
The best way to be happy, is to not compare yourself to others. You have wonderful qualities and you are amazing just the way you are. You were created by a Heavenly Father who loves you. He knows you, and sends others to help you along the path. Look for the opportunity to be there for someone else. Don't compare your weakness to someone else's strength.