Friday, September 26, 2014

Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

For the past few weeks all I keep reading is about how beauty comes from within. I keep thinking about that statement. I watched a clip from the Ellen show and found out that Meghan Trainor wrote the Lyrics to her song "It's all about the bass" based on women and their body issues. She said that she watches Ellen every day and that every song she writes is based on the show and it's topics. 
It seems like everyone is struggling with body image and who they are. I am certain that every person I know wants to lose weight. I think we have the false reality that if we lose a couple of pounds or if we could just look like someone else, then we would be happy. When you are struggling you forget who you are. You give in and do things that really aren't you. I hope you know you are perfectly perfect just the way you are. You are amazing. I know I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father that loves me. He made me just the way I am. I can't change my height, or wrinkles, or shoe size, but I can be a light that shines for others to see. I can try every day to reach the best of my potential. I can reach out to others and encourage them to be happy from within. It has been said the the definition of beautiful doesn't require the word skinny. 
You are good enough. Where you are right now is good enough. Keep moving forward.