Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the wall

I love this video. It is amazing to me that we view ourselves as something other than beautiful. When you look into the mirror do you see your amazing smile, or beautiful eyes? Are you more critical than you should be? I found it really interesting that each person focused on their flaws. Do you see the good in others?  Do you build yourself up so you can be the best you can be? If you are always beating yourself up, it is difficult to serve others.
How you view yourself effects everything. 
The lady at the end stated that we should be more grateful of our natural beauty. It impacts the choices and the friends we make, the jobs we apply for, how we treat our children. It is critical to our happiness. We spend a lot of time as women trying to fix the things that aren't quite right. We should spend more time focusing on the things we do like.
We’re getting messages thrown at us everywhere we look – we watch shows that tell us we’re not good enough, we read magazines that tell us to work harder. Ad campaigns for stores and clothing lines feature women who you wish you could look like in your dreams.We feel worthless, flawed, and never good enough. We constantly compare ourselves to others and fall short of the images we see, our ideals, and expectations. We aim so high and are shocked when we can’t make the mark, when in reality, our own beauty isn’t dependent on who we would like to be.
So where does beauty come from? Where can it be found? I can assure you it isn’t hidden in the words of any beauty, diet, or fitness magazine article. It’s not something that comes out when it is covered up with makeup, and it doesn’t come included with jewelry or price tags. You won’t find it on a treadmill or in the weight room. True beauty is what lies within you.
Realbeauty comes from within your heart. It can't be contained. It truly radiates from within. You are beautiful, just the way you are. You, right now, as you are reading this, are enough. In this moment, today, tomorrow, and forever. Just as you are. Be confident with the person you have grown to be. There will never be another you, so why would you try to be like someone else? You are perfectly perfect from the bottom to the top. 
Imagine what you could accomplish with one simple fact. YOU ARE ENOUGH!
Dont ever doubt yourself. This is an inspirational page. A reminder of the wonderful person you are! ;)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Because I have been given much

I ran into Chris Decius and Kent Decius the other day at the store. Chris told me about his surgery and how he spent some time in the hospital. He was so grateful for the nurses and doctors at the hospital. He was shocked that he just had to ask for water and they would bring it to him. He was so happy that he was able to eat breakfast every day. With his health problems he lost circulation in his foot, and is hoping he doesn't lose his toes. Kent told me how Chris was so sick he carried him into the emergency room on his back. Kent was taking care of Chris and working trying to make things work. Kent was really happy that he was able to work through a temp agency to help provide for them. They both stated that their mom had died and that they lost the house they grew up in. They live in an apartment by Bonneville high. They both talked about their love of martial arts. They both lit up and talked about how they are certain that martial arts saved both of their lives.They both had times where they didn't have the will to live. Due to Chris's health conditions and not being able to work they both have a goal to get back to martial arts, but financially is isn't possible right now. I talked to them for 40 minutes. Neither one complained about life being unfair, or that they were barley making it. They both smiled and dreamed about getting back to martial arts. I have thought and thought about them for the past few days. My heart was broken and I listened to all of the things that were going wrong in their lives, but they were not complaining. They were so happy to be alive. Their story made me hope that together with my awesome friends, that we could raise some money and help them get back to their martial arts. They don't know anything about this fundraiser, but I hope to be able to raise some money and get it to them before Christmas. Please use the paypal account linked to this blog post. Every penny counts. Please consider donating even $5. I will make sure every penny goes to them. Contact me with any questions. Thank you everyone!