Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Birthday gratitude

Today I turn 46. I am lucky to have a birthday at the first of the year because it is a time of new beginnings and a fresh start. For my birthday last year I did 45 random acts of kindness for my birthday. I started doing this because birthdays were not my favorite thing. I didn't like the extra attention and it was January and it seemed like we were all overwhelmed with Christmas just getting over. I wanted to do start something that would make my birthday meaningful. I wanted to start a new tradition to do something where I was serving others on my birthday. This year I came up with the idea to write 46 letters to thank some of my family and friends. My heart is so full of love and I wanted to let everyone know how much I cared about them. I started writing the letters a few weeks ago. I would see someone that I had written a letter to and it made me so excited to mail them in time for my birthday. I have had such awesome feelings and memories come to my mind and it has made me so happy. I have had fun reminiscing and thinking about my friends and family. I have had so many fun adventures and so many people have helped me. I try to tell others how I love them and how much they mean to me, but this was different and planned. I am so blessed and lucky to be surrounded by amazing people. So many that have helped me with my kids, and just helped me to be a better person.

This year is going to be great! I will continue to write letters and tell others how much I love them. I hope to inspire others to build each other up. Be happy for one another. Look for the good in others. I am excited for this journey and excited to share it with all of you!