Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sunrise and sunset

The other day Karlee left for school, and shortly after she called me. She said "Mom you should go and look at the sunrise", (she really said sunset, and we laughed because it was the sunrise). She said it was really pretty and that it reminded her of me. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love to watch the sunrise and the sunset. I often take pictures of them and send them to friends. I stop the car and make whoever is with me look at the beauty. Here is the picture of that morning Karlee had me go look at the sunrise.

Later during the week, Kiersten called me and she had seen my post to Instagram, it was a sunset pic. She said that she was driving and she was going to call me to look at the same sunset that she saw on my Instagram. It too reminded her of me. It made me so happy, that the sunset made her think of me. Here is the picture of the beautiful sunset.
My whole life I have loved sunsets. I have pictures that I have taken from when I was young. I still pull over and take pictures of the sun. I have lots and lots on my phone.  The sun makes me happy. It reminds me that my Heavenly Father loves me and that he wants me to have joy in my life, and that he created this beautiful world to bring me joy. Life doesn't just have to be endured, it is to be enjoyed. I am so thankful to each and every one of you. Thank you for bringing me joy, and for helping me to see the beauty that surrounds me. Reach out to others, and make a difference:) It only takes one small thing....a kind word, a smile, open a door. Write someone a note. Make a treat. Call your Mom or Dad, a friend, or your Grandma, or Grandpa. Be a good friend! Look for opportunities to take the ugly out of someone's day. Just like the quote says. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.


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