This post is about what to do when you are in this situation, and what to do if you witness someone being teased or bullied.
There will always be people that don't like you. Some people don't like me, and some people might not like you. It's just the way it is. But that voice in your head that says, “Sometimes I feel like the whole world hates me”? That’s Satan. And that’s a lie. Not everyone hates you. There are way more people who love you than people who don’t.
Kids are mean for a reason. Sometimes, it’s because it makes them feel strong. Sometimes, they are going along with the crowd to be accepted. Sometimes, it’s because no one ever told them it was wrong to treat people that way. Sometimes, it’s because someone has been mean to them. Sometimes mean kids are always mean, even when they are adults, But almost NEVER is it because of you. Don’t ever define yourself based on the opinion of the Mean Kid, or adult.
Don't ever be the mean kid....EVER!!! When you see another kid, or person being picked on for the love of all the is right and good, go rescue that kid. Go put your arm on that kid's shoulder and tell him you are on his side. Tell the mean kid to stop it!!! It might be awkward, really awkward, but it is the best feeling ever. It takes courage! Lots of courage. If you can learn this when you are young, you can use it your whole life. Sad to say that it happens to adults too. Sometimes we are used as another person's punching bag. The rude comments don't ever seem to stop. It is ok to stick up for yourself, or to tell the mean person to stop. It usually takes just one person to stop someone from the continued behavior.
Some kids may be getting picked on at school AND at home. Some kids might have parents who abuse, verbally and physically. They may not have a mom and dad who love them and empower them to deal with bullies. These kids have to push others down to bring themselves up.The cycle is a tough one to break. Trying to stop bad behavior isn't easy.
You could change someone's life if you stick up for them. You might be the only one who sticks up for him! Be THAT kid. Be the one who sees the hurting, downcast kid and RESCUES him. You can be the answer to a mothers prayer. You might not think you are too small to make a difference. Have you ever spent a night with a mosquito?
Have you ever met Karma? What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. I have found that is it lots more fun to do random acts of kindness and reach out to others. You will find yourself surrounded by others doing the same to you and for you. I love to look for opportunities to make someone have a fantastic day. This small and simple thing might just be the key to happiness. You will attract friends who value the same things you do. Heavenly Father will see to it. Heavenly Father is on your side, and He is depending on you to be his hands. Reach out to others to make a difference.
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