Friday, April 3, 2015

Name them one by one

I read a quote yesterday that I can't get off of my mind. It seems like the world is trying to tell us we are not good enough. We are surrounded by things that make us somehow feel less than we truly are. 

I started my list in my mind before I even finished reading this quote. I felt grateful as I named my family, my friends, where I live, and then I stopped in my tracks as I thought how true it is, that we never take the time to give ourselves credit for being awesome! 

It was easy to quickly think of some of the things I like about myself. It was also easy to hear the voices of self doubt try to tell me I was less than.... Why is it so much easier to think negative, or to focus on the things we are working on? Why can't we look at ourselves as others see us? We all have good. We all have things that we have perfected. We all have spiritual gifts that make us awesome. We all have light within, and it shines when we let it. 

It is my challenge to you today, to name all of the things that you love. Name them one by one. As you go throughout your day, ponder, and reflect on the awesome things that surround you. Don't forget to include yourself in your list. If you are having a hard time, think of how someone else would describe you. You are AWESOME! Don't ever forget it! 

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