Monday, August 17, 2015

Doubting self worth

It's been one of those weeks. Normally I am upbeat and happy. You wouldn't even notice anything is wrong when you talk to me. It's not even that something is wrong, it is more like I have been listening to those whispers. You know, the one where you doubt everything about yourself. You wonder why you are a mom, and ponder about how much you are ruining your kids lives. I have been pondering all of the stupid choices I have made in my lifetime. I wonder why it is so hard for me to just choose the right thing, instead of having to always learn it the hard way. I have been listening to that voice telling me that I am not good enough. I have been listening to that voice that says I have no worth. It makes me so mad when I listen. It also made me wonder if anyone else listens....I assume you all listen to that small negative whisper too, because here are a few of the quotes I have seen on Instagram this week. They have meant a lot to me. It helps me remember that I am not alone.

Normally I am the one talking about making a difference and serving. I need to not only be my Heavenly Father's hands, but I needed to pray to be his eyes. I can look for opportunities to serve. All it takes is for me to look for someone who is desperately trying to be seen. Isn't it interesting that good people come into your life at the perfect time. I know that my Savior knows what I am going through, and he is the opposite of fear, and self doubt. Our Heavenly Father only has imperfect people to work with, this must be terribly frustrating at times, but he deals with it and so should we. Our journeys may be lonely but we are never alone. We have a Heavenly Father that loves us.

I am certain I will have a better week. I will pray to see. I can look beyond my own imperfections, and find someone to reach out to. I can be the good, that is placed in someones life to help them along the path. My hope is that if you are struggling, or you feel lonely, that you will know that you are loved.

I am not the mistakes I once made. I am good enough, and so are you!                                                                                                            


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